Welcome to the Lottery System Home Selection for the FAUNA building at Flora & Fauna. Due to the high demand for the FAUNA building, a maximum of one home may be allocated to a single household/individual. Should you submit your preferences multiple times, only your first submission will be considered. All subsequent submissions will not be counted. Please note, the individual(s) indicated on each submission must be the individual(s) going on the contract. There will not be any switching out of individuals permitted. Should this be attempted, the allocated home will be forfeited to the next party on the waitlist.

Please see below a sample of the required information to be filled out to submit a successful priority placement home selection at Flora & Fauna. It is recommended to fill in all six preference fields to increase the chances of securing a home. We encourage you to fill out this information in advance, to simply refer to this form once the online submission portal has opened.


Sample Form here

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at live@flora-fauna.ca. Thank you for your patience in our process.

This lottery home preference form provides an opportunity to advise preferred homes to Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing Ltd.  It does not provide any assurance of the right to purchase any specific home. No home preferences will be considered after the cut-off.


How to Secure a Home at Flora & Fauna:

  1. Your opportunity to submit your priority placement form and to be included in the lottery home selection process will begin on March 22, 2022, at 6:00 pm and end on March 22, 2022, at 7:00 pm. No contracts will be written until March 26, 2022. Once the portal has closed, no late submissions will be accepted.
  2. Go online (do not use a Firefox browser, as it is not compatible) to the following URL by typing in https://bit.ly/3L029Xp to access the submission portal website. The submission portal will not be set live prior until the above-mentioned time to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity. There is a countdown timer located towards the top of the website. Once this timer gets to zero, follow the link that appears and fill out all the information in the priority placement portal including your information, your realtor’s information (if applicable), preferred home choices and any comments you think are important for us to know.  If you do not fill in all applicable fields, your priority placement submission will not be considered. We encourage you to have all this information prepared and on-hand in advance, ready to be filled in. Please note, the individuals indicated on each submission must be the individuals going on the contract. There will not be any switching out of individuals permitted. Should this be attempted, the allocated home will be forfeited to the next party on the waitlist.
  3. To successfully submit your home preferences through the priority placement portal, you will need a Google account or register your current email address with Google as the submission website is hosted by Google Forms. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the instructions on the last page.
  4. Within 48 hours of the portal closing, those who have secured a home will be contacted by phone and/or email to schedule a writing appointment time or instructions on writing your contract remotely. If you do not hear from us, you will be automatically waitlisted and will be contacted if a home becomes available. An exact price point of the allocated home will also be provided at this time. It’s important to note that all home selections must be submitted through the priority placement portal. Home preferences delivered to the sales team and/or emailed will not be accepted.
  5. The above-mentioned email will include next steps to finalize securing the allocated home. This will include confirmation in writing of the appointment day and time (if not writing remotely) and a fillable PDF with the information required to prepare your contract. There will be a purchaser information form that must be filled out in full by every party going on the paperwork in advance of writing contracts. There is also a section of the form for your Realtor (if applicable) to be filled out.  This completed form, along with a scanned image of government-issued ID for all parties to the contract must be emailed to live@flora-fauna.ca (this ID must not be expired and needs to be the same ID brought to the scheduled writing appointment). If you are writing your contract under a company, please provide all necessary documents to do so. Ask the sales team what is required if you are unsure. You will be given 12 hours from the time you receive this email, to provide these completed forms and ID copies. Due to Flora & Fauna’s high demand, if we do not receive this information back within the noted time period, your home will be allocated to the next party on the waitlist.
  6. Those who have secured a home and are proceeding with writing in person must show up and check in five minutes prior to your scheduled writing appointment. If you do not show up on time, your home will be allocated to the next party on the waitlist. If you are writing your contract remotely, you will be given 24-hours from the time you receive your contract to sign all paperwork. If we do not get all signed documents back within the 24-hour period outlined previously, the home will be released to the next party on the waitlist. 
  7. Contract writing (both in-person and remote) will commence on March 26, 2022.
  8. If writing in person, please ensure all parties to the contract are available to attend the scheduled appointment including your realtor if being represented on your purchase.
  9. Bring a piece of valid Government ID (expired ID cannot be accepted) and a Personal Cheque or Bank Draft in the amount of $5,000.00 made out to “Fasken DeMoulin LLP in Trust”. If you are writing remotely, the deposit must be dropped off within 24 hours of receiving your paperwork for signing. If the deposit is coming from a third party, that third party needs to come with a copy of their ID. 

Should you have any questions or need further clarity, please email the Sales Team at live@flora-fauna.ca.

Preferred Home Selections

Once this timer gets to zero, you will have 1 hour between 6 and 7pm to follow the link that appears and fill out all the information in the priority placement portal including your information, your realtor’s information (if applicable), preferred home choices and any comments you think are important for us to know.


Opportunity to Secure a Writing Appointment

To successfully submit your home preferences through the priority placement portal to be entered into the lottery system, you will need a Google account or register your current email address with Google as the submission website is hosted by Google Forms. The submission portal will not be set live prior until the above-mentioned time to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity.

Lottery System Submissions

This is an opportunity to secure a contract writing appointment for one of your preferred homes. It does not provide any assurance of the right to purchase, nor does it provide a guarantee of your selection. Be sure to review the sample selection form prior to the selection time.


Contract Writing Day

Within 48 hours of the submission date, those who have secured a home will be contacted by phone and/or email to schedule a writing appointment time or instructions on writing your contract remotely. If you do not hear from us, you will be automatically waitlisted and will be contacted if a home becomes available. Our contract writing will commence on March 26th, 2022, your allocated time to write your contract will be confirmed by the sales team.